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Multiwalled carbon nanotubes go in two different lengths as short and long MWCNTs which determine their pulmonary toxicity level. Short-length MWCNTs have high loading and low toxicity capacity used for drug delivery. There are different functions and applications demonstrated for both long and the short multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Short-length MWCNTs are hardly ever twisted or entangled and don’t cause clogging. Moreover, they disperse easily in the environment they are employed and are available in different functionalities and purities. Short-length MWCNTs can be prepared depending on the application. In the biomedical application, it has been demonstrated that that the epithelial cells are more responsive to short-length MWCNTs. Short-length MWCANTs are prepared through catalyst free arc-discharge technique in which nano-sized cutters break (cut) the Van der Waals forces between the layers of the graphite into thin two-dimensional single layers as graphene on a jet milling process. Following this step, the number of smaller and finer nanoparticles increases by a short follow-up oxygen plasma treatment in a plasma reactor and result in MWCNTs to be cut into desirable lengths.